You Booked a Wine Tour, What's Next?

What Happens on A Vino 301 Wine Tour

So you booked a wine tour, what is next?  After the initial excitement subsides, you may have questions about what to expect on the tour.   We put together some tips and information about going on a wine tour for you.  Regardless if this is  first time taking a wine tour or visiting Maryland vineyards, hopefully these tips are helpful to assist you to prepare for your wine tour. 

Expect to have fun

You are with family, friends, and possibly new friends, who expect to have a good time on your tour.  Our tour guides, also known as Tour Ambassadors, expect you to have a good time too.   We believe in meeting or exceeding your expectations, so expect to have a good time. 

Tasting fees are included

The tasting fees are what the vineyards and wineries charges to try the wines.  At least six types of wines are included in the tasting flights.  The tasting room staff will pour between one and two ounce of wine for each wine. Your Vino 301 registration will always include your tasting fees.  You do not have to pay for this during your tour. The only costs you will have on the tour is when you purchase a glass of wine or a bottle of wine. Wine Tours 

Receive a souvenir wine glass

You will receive a souvenir wine glass from us as a small gesture of gratitude.  You can use the glass during your trip if you bring beverages for the drive.   The vineyards and wineries provide tasting glasses, so you do not have to bring your Vino 301 glass in the tasting room.In addition to your Vino 301 glass, you may receive a souvenir glass with your wine tasting. Your Tour Ambassador will inform you if the wine glass is included with the tasting.   You can purchase the winery's glass if it is not a part of the tasting. 

Water, water, and more water…stay hydrated

Dehydration is the number one reason why you get a hangover.   To help to avoid this, we provide bottle water during the tour.  Our Tour Ambassadors will encourage you to drink water during the tour. You should try to drink water for every glass of wine you have.  

Snacks for the ride

Chips, popcorn, pretzels, and all sorts of snacks are available to you to munch on during your trip.  We invite you to enjoy them.  However, it does not make a meal.   The tours are between five and six hours long.  It is a long day of great wine tasting.  It is an even  longer day of great wine tasting on an empty stomach.  You are welcomed to bring your own picnic lunch or purchase lunch from us.  We offer lunch options or cheese plates.A few vineyards  prohibit outside food. In many cases,  those vineyards have food to purchase. We can inform you which vineyards have food restrictions. 

Keep it causal, dress for the setting

Vineyards are beautiful and romantic.  They are also working farms. Expect unpaved roads, fields, rocks, gravel and dirt.  Your wine tasting will take place indoors or in a covered pavilion.  However, the vineyard tour will occur outside.  Wear clothing you do not mind a little dirt or mud getting on it. 

Touring the vineyard

Not all vineyards and wineries offer a vineyard tour.   Vino 301 wine tours are organized to include at least one vineyard tour among the 2 or 3 venues you will visit.  We try to make sure you are able to take a tour if it is available.  Depending upon how many vineyards you are scheduled to visit, there may not be time in the schedule to conduct the vineyard tour.   Your Tour Ambassador will advise you if a vineyard tour is not included. 

Details, details... Your confirmation states the pick up time, location and vineyards

You will receive a second email confirmation the day before your tour.  Your confirmation states your Tour Ambassador's name, pick up location and the places you are visiting. 

Taxes and gratuity

It is not mandatory but welcomed to tip the tasting room servers.  They do accept tips. Your tour does not include taxes.  Your tour does include a gratuity for the Tour Ambassador and driver.  You pay the gratuity when you register for your tour.Now you are ready to take a Vino 301 wine tour!  For more tips, view this video.  Leslie discusses taking a wine tour on WUSA9 Great Day Washington.