Maryland's Wine Festival Season has Officially Started

2017 Wine Festival Season

 Maryland’s 7th annual Decanter Wine Festival was held at LaurelPark Race Course.  Decanter is the first wine festival of the season, kicking off Maryland’s wine festival season. Decanter is like the first bud on the grapevine. It is a sign of good things are coming and more wine is around the corner.  We are so excited wine festival season started, Vino 301 is hosting a sweepstakes. We are raffling off two tickets to the National Harbor Wine & Food Festival.  Enter to win Win Two Tickets to National Harbor Wine & Food Festival  Wine festivals are fun activities. Some festivals have become annual events for friends to reunite. You’ll encounter people who go to Wine in the Woods (Columbia, MD) every year. They have their favorite place to setup their blanket and chair, their favorite vendors, and their favorite wines. They are in heaven.  For others, this year is their the first chance to experience Maryland wine.Wine festivals Regardless, if this is your first time or 20th time we offer some tips you should keep in mind when you during your festival adventures.  In addition, we put together a calendar of wine festivals around the state below.Wine festival