Vino 301 appears on Behind the Mind Radio Show

Imagine my delight when Behind the Mind Radio Show (1480 am) asked me to talk about Maryland wine and its tourism industry (my favorite subjects).  For those who are not familiar with this excellent show, Behind the Mind is  a 1-hour bi-weekly talk show airing LIVE ON Friday 11am (EST) and Tuesday 7pm (EST), showcasing design thinkers, visionaries, game changers and innovators; while shedding light on designers of well-known and upcoming products and services both domestically and internationally.  So you only can imagine how excited I was when they called.Karen Baker, host and Anthony Leonard, co-host lead the interview.  Our discussion ranged from the diverse landscape of Maryland wines to  how Maryland wine has impacted the tourism industry. We discussed how wine is popular and has a growing following.  The following is not limited to wine drinkers but grape growers and wine makers, known as vintner. People romanticized having a vineyard, but it takes a financial commitment not to mention a lot of time and patience. behind the mindWe ended the interview with Behind the Mind top three questions at least that is what I like to call them.  A couple of the questions were:  if you were a superhero what power would you posses, and if you could have lunch with someone living or dead who would that be?  My favorite questions: as a child, what was your favorite toy?  For the record, the Barbie Dream House was my favorite toy.I had an amazing time. They let me sign their wall of fame.  Thank you Karen and Anthony for making me feel at home.  If you missed the interview, you can listen to it here[mixcloud width=660 height=208 hide_cover=1 hide_tracklist=1]