Selecting the Best Wines for Thanksgiving

Best Wines for Thanksgiving

Regardless if you are hosting or you going to someone's home you are probably trying to decide what wine should be paired with dinner.  People frequently ask, "What is the perfect wine to serve with Thanksgiving meal?"  Answer:  There isn't a perfect wine.  There are so many rich and varying flavors, it is impossible to select just one wine.  However there are wines that pair better with thanksgiving.  What are the best wines for Thanksgiving? Start at your local fine wine store.  Wine stores offer wine tastings on a weekly or daily basis during the holiday season.  You can call or go on their website to find out what days the tastings are available. These tastings are often free.  The store will pour between 4 to 6 wines. This is great opportunity for you to try different varietals. Bring your dinner menu with you.  The wine representative can offer suggestions on what to pair with the wine. You may find your new favorite wine. If the store is not offering a tasting, you still may have an opportunity to try an instore tasting.  You may ask the sales person to uncork the wine you are serious about purchasing.  Some stores will uncork the bottle for you. If you cannot attend an instore tasting, there are no fail wine selection tips you can employee.TIP #1 – Go with sparkling wine. Everyone likes a sparkling wine (well almost everyone).  Sparkling wine is the most versatile wine.  It is the little black dress of the wine world; it is good for any occasion.  It can be paired with almost any meal.  Try a dry sparkling wine, a brut, with your meal and a demi-sec, sweeter sparkling with dessert. Great Shoals2012 Cuvee Blanc Sparkling Wine, is a Maryland sparkling that is a blend of Chardonnay and Vidal Blanc in a brut style. It is a great way to begin your meal. Best Wines for Thanksgiving TIP #2 - Some like white, some like red, offer both.  Rarely will all your guests like only white wine or only red. Offer them a choice.  You will look like a very sophisticated host. TIP #3 - Vidal Blanc, Riesling, Gewurztraminer, and Albarĩno are great complements to side dishes.  Stay away from oaky Chardonnay; it can overwhelm your meal.  You can locate Albarĩno at local vineyards like Black Ankle Vineyard and Serpent RidgeTIP #4 - Pinot Noir, Syrah, and Zinfandel complements your hearty and savory dishes. You also can try red blends. Red wine blends, like Meritage and Bordeaux, are excellent with turkey legs and dark meat. Have a very, very safe and happy Thanksgiving!  Vino 301 Wine Concierge is thankful for your continued support and we wish you well during this holiday season.  Cheers!