2017 Summer White Wines Picks

Vino 301's Summer White Wines Picks

 Crossing the Bay Bridge and seeing all the boats in the Bay lets me know it is official.  Aww finally, summer is here.  It is the start of lots of grilling, freshly made salads and really yummy desserts being served.   And, let’s not forget to mention the crabs.  I know it is still a little early to have Maryland’s blue crabs.  But you cannot talk about summer without mentioning Maryland’s caviar.  You must have wine with all this summer goodness.  Here are Vino 301’s suggestions for summer white wines

Summer Sipping

Sipping a cool glass of wine on the deck or rocking on the porch swing is quintessential summer fun. Rosé, Great FrogsRosé was known as a transition wine bridging winter and summer seasons.  A go to wine to drink in the Spring. However, Rosé popularity has emerged recently and is enjoyed year-round. Great Frogs Rosé is perfect to help make Maryland’s humid days tolerable. The Rosé is refreshing and fruity dry wine.   Red fruit, like strawberries and raspberries will dance on your palate.  A mild tart finish completes your sip. Riesling, Basignani VineyardBasignani’s Riesling hits the spot when you are sipping wine at your favorite concert.  The color is a beautiful pale straw.  Notes of melon and honeysuckle are on the nose.  It is a semi-dry wine, that is not syrupy sweet or overwhelms the nature flavors of the Riesling grape.  It is a well-balanced wine that is best served cold.

summer white wines

Grilled Veggies and Summer Salads

My maternal grandmother made the best tomato salad.  She used fresh tomatoes, spring onions, vinegar, a pinch of sugar, and finished with salt and pepper.  I try to make it whenever I can get Eastern Shore tomatoes, usually when I do the Chesapeake Wine Tour.  Some of the vineyards have fresh produces for sale. Albariño, Serpent RidgeSummer salads, like my grandmother’s salad, is complemented by Albariño.  Albariño is becoming Maryland’s go to white wine.  It is a Spanish grape that  grows very well in the state. The first time I had Albariño was at Serpent Ridge five years ago.  It is still consistently good after all those years.   You will detect aromas of crisp green apples on the nose.  You will taste peaches later followed by mild citrus fruit.  Bright acidity on the finish is what makes it pair so well with summer salads.  It will not overpower or detract from the foods flavors. Franc Blanc, Thanksgiving FarmsGrilled vegetables are sometimes difficult to find the right wine to serve with it.  The smokiness and charred flavors along the vegetables bright notes can be challenging.  Franc Blanc accepts the challenge.  It is a white Cabernet Franc.   Franc Blanc is a full body wine white that has a floral nose.  You will enjoy stone fruit flavors like apricots.  Mild citrus flavor like kumquats will come across.  The low acid and fullness of the wine is a good grilling partner. 

Seafood and Crabs

An unoaked Chardonnay is the preference for many seafood lovers.  I would challenge you to try a Vidal Blanc.  Vidal Blanc style is typically semi-sweet or sweet.  However, Hidden Hills has prepared a dry Vidal Blanc which is a delightful alternative to a Chardonnay. Vidal Blanc, Hidden Hills Farms and VineyardIt is a medium body wine.  Pears and golden apples on the palate and nose.  It has minerality and lemon on the finish.  The lemon comes forward especially when it is paired with fish and shellfish. You can purchase the wines online, just visit their websites.  You can contact the vineyards to locate where you can purchase the wines at local wine stores or restaurants.