2016 Sparkling Wines In Maryland

Sparkling Wines in Maryland

Sparkling wines are synonymous with celebrations.  And this time of year is no different to punctuate your holiday events with bubbles.  Champagne, Cava, and Prosecco immediately come to mind when you are making your wine selections. Wait... before you grab an European selection, look a little closer to home.  Maryland sparkling wines are available in various styles."Elk Run Vineyards, Bordeleau Vineyard & Winery, Great Shoals Winery Old Westminster Winery each offer a Blanc de Blanc (traditional dry sparkling wine), while Cygnus Wine Cellars produces a Blanc de Blanc plus four other sparkling wines in various styles. Knob Hall Winery offers white and rosé versions, and Crow Vineyards offers a Sparkling Vidal. Slack Winery offers five different sparkling wines, Fiore Winery offers a Prosecco and St. Michaels Winery has introduced Bubbly Wobbler, a sparkling addition to its Gollywobbler line of sweet wines." according to Ms. Rebecca Dulka, Maryland Wine Association representative, in 2015 Maryland Offers Wide Variety of Sparkling Wines article. Old Westminster Winery introduced a Gruner Vetliner sparkling this year, a departure from the traditional grapes used in Maryland.Sparkling wines are not  limited to grapes.  Maryland's cider producers are making noteworthy bubbles.  Distillery Lane Ciderworks makes a delightful Apple Cherry wine. A must try and welcomed addition.

Sparkling wines in MarylandPop the Cork on New Year’s Eve … Guide to Champagne and Sparkling Wine
Guide to Champagne and Sparkling Wine Champagne, Sparkling Wine The other day a friend and me were talking about New Year’s Eve.  She said, “Should I serve Champagne or sparkling wine”?  My immediate response was, “Champagne is a form of sparkling wine. It all depends upon what you like.”  She gave me ...

Where You Can Find Maryland's Sparkling Wines & Ciders*

*Not a complete list

 Curious and want to try some of these wines, join Vino 301 Sparkling Wine and Dessert Wine tasting.
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